I am Herbert Jerald “HJ” Sado, and I’m a Gameplay Designer.
My passion lies in implementing satisfying gameplay and solid internal systems.
I’m very adaptive towards creating methods to include desired systems into projects, as well as analyzing the necessity of design tools in support of compatibility with other project elements.
My proficiency lies within Unreal Blueprints and various Unreal Engine tools. I am able to create technical documentation for the different systems I design and implement, including visual diagrams.



A two-week university group project made by a team of seven.
Cyber Attack FPS is a First-Person Action Shooter featuring pickups and powerups.

Duration: 2 Weeks
Role: Game Designer, Enemy Design & AI, UI
Team Size: 5
Engine: Unreal Engine 4.27

– Designed enemy AI and a per-room enemy manager.
– Programmed UI to display player status, including health, enemies left in current room, and powerup statuses.


A two-week university group project made by a team of five.
Nanite Survival was a game idea pitched by a team of five for a class presentation, designed to be a character action brawler with a linear story progression.

Duration: 2 Weeks
Role: Graphics Coordinator, Assistant Scenario Writer, Game Designer
Team Size: 5

– Designed gameplay and assisted in scenario and story design, as well as designing concepts and diagrams to set a creative vision for gameplay and character designs.
– Created assets and a proof of concept using DreamsPS4, making footage to create a trailer as well as aiding in the editing process of the presentation video.


A two-week project made as an individual university project learning level design. Revolving Chambers is a level featuring multiple platforming puzzles featuring the option to spin sections of the chamber.

Duration: 2 Weeks
Role: Level Designer
Team Size: 1
Engine: Unreal Engine 4.27

– Designed key and lock system &  level progression, core level mechanic: level chamber-revolver, level blockmesh and custom geometry.


An individual six-day project made as an entry to Dreams’ Monster Madness Jam.
The Phlegm Spider is a Third-Person Action Shooter featuring a jetpack, mode switching, and an over-the-top enemy boss design.

Duration: 6 Days
Role: Game Designer, Level Designer, Character Designer, UI, Voice Actor
Team Size: 1
Engine: DreamsPS4

– Designed, programmed, and implemented all gameplay mechanics and UI.
– Created and animated player and enemy assets, as well as designed level and scenarios.


I happened to enjoy the feeling of moving around in Armored Core Verdict Day, and wanted to replicate that sort of feeling by studying the movement and camera, and applying that in engine. This video shows a very bare-bones movement concept made in 2 hours.

WASD moves the tank respective to the camera’s direction. Space makes the tank jump, and Right Click makes the tank boost in whichever direction the player is moving.

The camera shifts shoulders as the player boosts left and right, also tilting the camera as the tank moves left and right. The tank also orients itself to the ground below, and easily orients itself correctly upon landing.

I took inspiration from a standalone mod called S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly, as I was a fan of how the movement felt in first-person, specifically how the controls interact with the player’s movement. This video shows a very basic movement concept made in a day.

WASD to move the character, the Mouse is used to move the camera, Space is used to jump, Shift is used to sprint, and Right Click is used to zoom the camera.

Pressing Q & E toggles which way the player leans. Pressing the opposite lean button switches the lean direction, and pressing the same button as the current lean resets the player back upright.

Press C to toggle crouch, and Press Ctrl to toggle walk. While both crouch and walk are toggled on, it makes the player prone. Pressing C to toggle crouch off makes the player stand up. Pressing Ctrl to toggle walk off makes the player crouch.

Pressing Space to jump or pressing Shift to sprint makes the player stand up and switches from walk and crouch. The player can press C or Ctrl while in mid air to crouch or prone in midair respectively. Landing while in these stances will give the player a quick boost in the direction of their current velocity in the form of a slide.